Ambient Maps is a leader in advanced geospatial intelligence, specialising in environmental data.
Through data analytics, modelling, and location intelligence, Ambient provides high-value insights for investors, developers, property-valuation modelling, home-owners, policymakers and research.
By leveraging our expertise in spatial data and predictive modelling, Ambient Maps quantifies and visualises transport noise and air quality across the community. We build nation-wide 3D noise and air quality models, which predict the noise and air quality level at every facade of every building and open space in the country.
This represents a new frontier in geospatial intelligence, offering unique, monetisable datasets and reports that enhance real estate forecasting, smart city design, health and wellbeing research, and urban infrastructure planning.
The future of environmental and property assessment isn’t just about what you see. It's about what you hear and the air you breathe. Ambient Maps is here to redefine how sound and air pollution shapes the environments we live in.
At Ambient, we understand that a home buyer may have an idea about the acoustic environment at their chosen property, but just want to check. Our summary reports provide a rating for your property's exposure to transport noise against others in the same suburb, and if the combined noise levels exceed those recommended by the Australian Environmental Health Standing Committee (enHealth)
Our team of experts delves deeper into your future home. The detailed report is an extension from the summary, but includes maps and exposure levels separately for road, rail, and aircraft. We look into the risk of future infrastructure (e.g. a new road), and the risk of sleep disturbance. For home upgrades and new builds, we look into the transport planning overlays to help you understand the risk of additional construction costs to limit noise intrusion.
Ambient have teamed up with Aurin for the bulk supply of our noise data. These data include a 10m x 10m noise exposure grid for each state, separate for road, rail, and aircraft noise. We also provide a noise exposure level for each building, both at the most and least exposed facades. This data has been used to support health studies to understand the communities noise exposure, improve the accuracy of automatic valuation models for property, and to create planning overlays for government.
The noise and air quality models were informed by a wide range of data sources.
These include road networks, traffic composition and vehicle speeds. For rail it considers train types, speeds and track curvature. Aircraft noise is based on actual flight movements, the type of aircraft including helicopters, speed, and altitude, among other things. We also included data from over 15 million buildings, ground terrain and noise barriers.
Noise and air quality levels are then calculated around every dwelling, and across the country at a 10 m x 10 m interval for road and rail, and higher for aircraft.
We then combine the calculated exposure levels with census data to help understand the percentage of the population exposed to varying levels of noise and air pollution.

buildings captured

km of roads, supported by >40,000 km of rail & thousands of aircraft build our database

population exposed to noise that exceeds enHealth recommendations

unique data provider

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If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our services, please fill out the following form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Head Office
Ambient Maps Pty Ltd
Suite 303, Level 3, South Tower
527 Gregory Terrace
Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006